Jackfruit "Pulled Pork" Based on Recipe from Bad Manners

The first time I had Cola Braised Jackfruit from Bad Manners (love the name change❤️), it changed the game. I often can't cook or eat pork due to the smell making me sick. While the texture and flavor of this dish are very similar to pork, it doesn't cause me any issues 🙌🏻.  The recipe from Bad Manners is really, really good so I hardly had to make any changes, but there were just two things I wanted to switch up to suit my tastes better: 
  1. I used root beer instead of coke. I HATE Coca-cola as a company and the drink makes me sick. I tried finding an alternative brand with the same flavor but was unsuccessful so I switched to an ethical brand of sugar cane based root beer. It worked just fine and no one noticed a difference.
  2. I didn't use the liquid smoke called for in the recipe. I find liquid smoke very overpowering and distracting. Instead, I smoked my paprika right before adding it. And no, I didn't use a smoker (I'm way too broke for that). Whenever I need spices smoked, I measure out the amount I need, place it in a small dish, and spread it out so there is as much surface area showing as possible. I place that dish in a non plastic container that can be sealed, usually a pot with a lid or ceramic to go container. Then I take disposable chopsticks or skewers, break them up, set them on fire (CAREFULLY). Once you have a good bit of flame going, drop the lit sticks into the bottom of the container around the dish of spice and then seal the lid. The flames will extinguish quickly once it is covered and the small space will fill with smoke. Leave covered ~10 minutes and then open up and use the spices.  My way of smoking my spices may seem cheap and unconventional but it does the trick, I save money by not buying the smoked version of spices I already own, and they have a stronger smoke flavor than store bought so I don't have to add the smokey flavor in other ways.  
Other than that, the pulled pork itself is pretty much the same as the one on their site, most of what changed was the things I added to it when making the sandwiches. I made my own jicama and cabbage coleslaw, cherry barbecue sauce, and fresh baked buns topped with seeds (recipes for the latter two coming soon).

Jackfruit "Pulled Pork" 


  • 2 20 oz cans jackfruit, drained and rinsed, and broken up.
  • 3 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 4 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 3 cups Boylan Root Beer, divided
  • 2 cups veggie broth
  • 2 tablespoon Braggs Liquid Aminos
  • 2 teaspoon fresh smoked paprika (see description above for details)
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder


  1. Heat 1 Tbs of oil in a pot over medium-high heat and add the onions. Cook until slightly softened. 
  2. Add the jackfruit and garlic and sauté sore two minutes.
  3. Pour in 2 cups of root beer and 2 cups of vegetable broth. Bring it to a boil, cover, and let simmer 20 minutes.
  4. Strain off the liquid and put the jackfruit in a skillet over medium-high heat. 
  5. Stir continually and cook off the residual liquid.
  6. Add the remaining ingredients (root beer, liquid aminos, smoked paprika, and onion powder) and stir until there is no liquid pooling at the bottom of the skillet. 
  7. Place a heaping serving on a bun, add your favorite bbq sauce and coleslaw, and enjoy! 


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